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pipx install examples

pipx install pycowsay
pipx install --python python3.10 pycowsay
pipx install --python 3.12 pycowsay
pipx install --fetch-missing-python --python 3.12 pycowsay
pipx install git+
pipx install git+
pipx install git+
pipx install git+ssh://<username>@<private-repo-domain>/<path-to-package.git>
pipx install
pipx install black[d]
pipx install --preinstall ansible-lint --preinstall mitogen ansible-core
pipx install 'black[d] @ git+'
pipx install --suffix @branch-name 'black[d] @ git+'
pipx install --include-deps jupyter
pipx install --pip-args='--pre' poetry
pipx install --pip-args='--index-url=<private-repo-host>:<private-repo-port> --trusted-host=<private-repo-host>:<private-repo-port>' private-repo-package
pipx install --index-url --pip-args='--extra-index-url' some-package
pipx --global install pycowsay
pipx install .
pipx install path/to/some-project

pipx run examples

pipx enables you to test various combinations of Python versions and package versions in ephemeral environments:

pipx run BINARY  # latest version of binary is run with python3
pipx run --spec PACKAGE==2.0.0 BINARY  # specific version of package is run
pipx run --python python3.7 BINARY  # Installed and invoked with specific Python version
pipx run --python python3.9 --spec PACKAGE=1.7.3 BINARY
pipx run --spec git+https://url.git BINARY  # latest version on default branch is run
pipx run --spec git+https://url.git@branch BINARY
pipx run --spec git+https://url.git@hash BINARY
pipx run pycowsay moo
pipx --version  # prints pipx version
pipx run pycowsay --version  # prints pycowsay version
pipx run --python pythonX pycowsay
pipx run pycowsay==2.0 --version
pipx run pycowsay[dev] --version
pipx run --spec git+ black
pipx run --spec git+ black
pipx run --spec git+ black
pipx run --spec black --help
pipx run

You can run local files, or scripts hosted on the internet, and you can run them with arguments:

pipx run
pipx run 1 2 3
pipx run
pipx run 1 2 3

A simple filename is ambiguous - it could be a file, or a package on PyPI. It will be treated as a filename if the file exists, or as a package if not. To force interpretation as a local path, use --path, and to force interpretation as a package name, use --spec (with the PyPI name of the package).

pipx run # Local file, if exists
pipx run # Package, because is not a local file
pipx run --path # Always a local file
pipx run --spec test-py # Always a package on PyPI

You can also run scripts that have dependencies:

If you have a script that needs 3rd party libraries, you can add inline script metadata in the style of PEP 723.


# /// script
# dependencies = ["requests"]
# ///

import sys
import requests
project = sys.argv[1]
pipx_data = requests.get(f"{project}/json").json()

Then you can run it as follows:

> pipx run pipx

pipx inject example

One use of the inject command is setting up a REPL with some useful extra packages.

> pipx install ptpython
> pipx inject ptpython requests pendulum

After running the above commands, you will be able to import and use the requests and pendulum packages inside a ptpython repl.

Equivalently, the extra packages can be listed in a text file (e.g. useful-packages.txt). Each line is a separate package specifier with the same syntax as the command line. Comments are supported with a # prefix. Hence, the syntax is a strict subset of the pip requirements file format syntax.

# Additional packages

pendulum # for easier datetimes

This file can then be given to pipx inject on the command line:

> pipx inject ptpython --requirement useful-packages.txt
# or:
> pipx inject ptpython -r useful-packages.txt

Note that these options can be repeated and used together, e.g.

> pipx inject ptpython package-1 -r extra-packages-1.txt -r extra-packages-2.txt package-2

If you require full pip functionality, then use the runpip command instead; however, the installed packages won't be recognised as "injected".

pipx list example

> pipx list
venvs are in /Users/user/.local/pipx/venvs
binaries are exposed on your $PATH at /Users/user/.local/bin
   package black 18.9b0, Python 3.7.0
    - black
    - blackd
   package pipx 0.10.0, Python 3.7.0
    - pipx

> pipx list --short
black 18.9b0
pipx 0.10.0

pipx install-all example

> pipx list --json > pipx.json
> pipx instal-all pipx.json
'black' already seems to be installed. Not modifying existing installation in '/usr/local/pipx/venvs/black'. Pass '--force' to force installation.
'pipx' already seems to be installed. Not modifying existing installation in '/usr/local/pipx/venvs/black'. Pass '--force' to force installation.
> pipx install-all pipx.json --force
Installing to existing venv 'black'
  installed package black 24.3.0, installed using Python 3.10.12
  These apps are now globally available
    - black
    - blackd
done!  🌟 ✨
Installing to existing venv 'pipx'
  installed package pipx 1.4.3, installed using Python 3.10.12
  These apps are now globally available
    - pipx
done!  🌟 

pipx upgrade-shared examples

One use of the upgrade-shared command is to force a pip upgrade.

> pipx upgrade-shared

This example pins pip (temporarily, until the next automatic upgrade, if that is not explicitly turned off) to a specific version.

> pipx upgrade-shared --pip-args=pip==24.0